Join The Bookmaker for a new type of game, called Over/Under. How much are celebrities worth? Who went bankrupt? Can you beat THE BOOKMAKER? Also stay tuned for a late night romp into cyberspace and just try and stop Turdhat from eating 41 fried shrimp. Sauce was on Grand Old Podcast this week so check that out too!
Also: “Go Figure That One Out” guy update, the biggest joint in the world, Vegas news, plaid news, the Mormon bishop samurai, get gay married in gay Vegas, machete bush trimming, four guys to fill a vast hole, blow dart to the neck, the bag told me, ketchup and mayo orgy, dolphins…you know…, the economy is going to implode, the biggest nuke in the world, superheros, Pain And Gain review, Name That Game stats, motorcycles, I am not your little puppet….and things of this nature.
Links From This Week:
Police Confiscate Biggest Joint Ever
Esta Street (Did I skip this in the show? My bad!)
Cyberspace Links
Intro: Reddwarf
Outro: Sta A Sente – Ind A Giunglia
Be sure and join us LIVE, you can listen and chat on the website. We normally record Saturday 9pm Pacific/Midnight Eastern.
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