Podcast 122: Technical Difficulties

April 15, 2012

Apologies for the audio quality this week.  A piece of equipment broke down and we/I thought the issue was resolved, and it wasn’t.  The audio live sounded fine, the recorded audio does not.  You can decide for yourself if it’s listenable, but I didn’t want to *not* put out anything if people CAN stand to listen to this.  The problem should be fixed by next show.  Anyway, in brief, lots of calls/emails this week, we did a little This Week In Sword News, got a Cake Chomper update, went through some Words Used To Find Us, and more more more more.

Links from this week:

Drinking Alcohol And Problem Solving Skills

World Of Scriptcraft

Porkulus Weaponry

Eisritter’s Booze

Youtube Interview Lady

Trailer For God Bless America

Intro: Reddwarf

Outro: Sirio – Witch Hunting

Be sure and join us LIVE, you can listen and chat on the website. We normally record Saturday 9pm Pacific/Midnight Eastern.

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