Podcast 303: Sigh Language

October 12, 2015

Last show before we leave for New Orleans! We went out with a bang with Obsessta, first time in a LONG time that we’ve played this. Plenty of Swampathon news of course, Turdhat Help You, Potato Nut Update, the kid that got too high, mailbag, and much more!

Also these things:

Hearthstone tournament, “jokes”, mustaches, the sloppy swish, Shia no, Rob Reviews The Martian, RPGs, Ventchat Playstation 4 Group, terrible ball news some shit talking, and MORE!

Podcast 303

Links From This Week:

Mailbag 1

Mailbag 2

Paul’s Youtube


Intro: Redwarf

Outro: Eisritter!!!

Be sure and join us LIVE, you can listen and chat on the website. We normally record Saturday 9pm Pacific/Midnight Eastern.

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